Lord Coe worries over " reputational damage" to London 2012..

Infinitude II copyright infringement
Screenshot of Lord Coe,chairman of the Olympic Committee, appearing before the Parliamentary Select Committee today and under questioning from scourge of the Murdochs Tom Watson MP.
Time and again he voices concerns over “reputational damage” being done to the 2012 Olympic Games through logistical and ticket allocation shortcomings whilst all the while sporting (ptp) on his lapel a naughty piece of alleged plagiarism in the form of  the 2012 Olympic logo that may well be making him a secondary infringer of copyright.

If the double 1500m gold medal-winning Lord is worried about reputational damage to the summer Games, perhaps someone should advise of the potential litigation and adverse publicity shedloads of it limping about with him during office hours.

Kindly view the overwhelming evidence here:
(London artist claims Wolff Olins’ 2012 Olympic logo infringes the copyright of original 2006 work Infinitude II ).


Holding a torch to corporate plagiarism in art.

Coe London-2012-Olympic-Torch
Lord Coe proudly brandishing the newly designed London Olympic torch yesterday.
” London doesn’t do bland ” … sure – and its Olympic Commitee doesn’t do honest.

Infinitude II / Olympic logo compare
Section from artwork INFINITUDE II, alongside the Wolff Olins 2012 Olympic logo transposed in 3d onto the torch.
( click to enlarge the compare )

The unveiling of the Olympic torch for next year’s games reveals Wolff Olins’ brand logo cast in 3D and confirming the logo was designed to appear as a relief, casting shadows and highlights, imitating in a yet further aspect the 2006 work Infinitude II by Michael St. Mark. Here we get to see the two alongside one another, with Infinitude II lit by gold light from above, similar to the primary light source angle illuminating the torch logo.